
2023-11-18: rtl_433 senors

2023-08-26: Cheap Rubber Ducky Digispark Attiny85

2023-08-22: Install Unifi on Raspbery Pi Ubuntu 20.04

2023-05-22: AWS EC2 Install SSM Agent

2023-03-17: Create Mac OS ISO

2023-02-22: Sysprep VMs for Cloning

2023-02-17: vCenter Root Password Reset

2023-01-20: Enable Serial Console for KVM

2022-10-04: Coding Test Stuff

2022-09-13: Fix Graylog Corruption

2022-08-10: Resize LVM Volume

2022-08-10: Recognize New Disk without Reboot

2021-12-31: Install Arch Linux with LVM

2021-10-23: Simplify3D - Stop to change filament

2021-10-12: FF DNS Cache

2021-10-12: pfSense Syslog DNS

2021-10-12: Unifi AP Reset

2021-10-02: CMIYC 2021 Champs!!

2021-09-07: Blacklist Archlinux Kernel Modules

2020-09-25: Resize Ubuntu VM after Automated Deployment

2020-09-25: VMware VCA Upgrades

2019-01-31: Sort -u Large Files

2017-06-29: Kali Linux Installing Powershell Core

2016-11-15: Installing PIP on Cygwin

2016-09-08: Weather Station Project

2016-01-12: Installing Masscan

2015-10-12: Logitech c920 Installation

2015-08-06: Disable ICMP Redirects

2015-07-22: Magic Mirror Project

2015-06-30: Centos 7 GlusterFS Setup

2015-04-27: Bastion Host Setup

2015-02-12: FreeIPA Client Install on Centos 7

2015-02-12: Freeipa Server Setup on Centos 7

2015-02-12: Centos 7 and KVM

2015-02-02: Universal Profile

2015-02-02: Set Primary Group in AIX

2015-01-06: Allowing MTR through your Cisco ASA

2015-01-02: Java 8u25 Install on Centos 6.6

2014-11-23: Speed Up Youtube Videos

2014-11-23: Disk Space Analysis

2014-11-23: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Reset Root Password

2014-11-22: Solaris Console Escape Sequence

2014-08-31: Solaris Profile

2014-07-09: NIS and Linux

2014-01-21: Another Reason to Use Visudo

2013-12-20: Measuring Server AMPs

2013-12-19: Reset AIX Account

2013-12-05: Centos: Install package using yum

2013-11-24: Sed - remove commented lines and blank lines

2013-11-22: Disable Selinux

2013-11-21: Fixing Time Zones

2013-11-19: Clearing Password History

2013-10-21: VLC and Blurays

2013-10-04: Add User to Sudo Group

2013-10-03: Ubuntu IPtables Configuration

2013-10-01: Selinux, PHP, and HTTPD

2013-09-30: Xubuntu Disable Network Manager

2013-09-15: Development Tools Uninstall

2013-08-02: Installing Syslog-ng on Centos 6.4

2013-07-22: Yubikey + SSH key Authenication

2013-07-06: Top Replacement: HTop

2013-07-06: vnStat

2013-07-05: Bind DNS Query Logging

2013-07-04: List Ubuntu Hardware

2013-06-13: Xubuntu 12.04 Login Fix

2013-06-02: Fixing My Slow SSH Login

2013-04-24: Identifying failed drive in FreeNas

2013-03-26: Init.d script template

2013-03-25: What's Eating My Ram?!

2013-02-06: Deleting Files Older Than 5 Days

2013-02-06: xenserver url installs or netinstalls

2013-01-29: NIC Renamed eth0 to eth1

2013-01-19: Ubuntu NIC Bonding

2013-01-19: KVM Centos 6 and Libvirt